Tuesday 7 April 2009

Gazing through the Glass

It was my birthday today, and my Dad gave me a laptop, which was incredibly kind of him, so I can get back to my blogging. After the last post I had a bad few weeks when i didn't feel like posting, and then I managed to find a nightmare job in an office selling roof insulation, where i have no access to the internet. It is SO TERRIBLE. I know that the job isn't going to last long as it is run by two dodgy brothers and they're always telling me to delay sending out the payments etc. IT's miles away from Hammersmith, too, so getting there takes a tube and the bus.
I work surrounded by stacks of files and papers so all anyone ever sees is the top of my head. And you wouldn't believe the men they employ to do the insulation. They're basically unemployable - huge, scary and tattooed.All they want to do is earn enough money to get completely rat-arsed, so they work like mad the first part of the week, and then they go out on a huge bender, and on Fridays I get endless customers complaining no one has turned up - or that really foul-mouthed, grimy workmen have arrived and accidentally hit the head off a garden gnome carrying a pack of insulation in, or else used the toilet to be sick etc.
Ho well, at least i can pay the rent and buy catfood and just about keep up with the credit card payments. I feel really envious of Rache. She keeps sending me lovely postcards of Greece and telling me she's in heaven. Apparently the spring is the best possible time there: it is all green and there are loads of birds, and it is warm enough to swim. Sigh. Poor little Mirabelle seems really sad. There's a pigeon building a nest outside my window and she just watches this pigeon all day. She's worn a little bald patch on her lip rubbing at the glass trying to get out. I know how she feels.