Thursday 11 September 2008

Buster-Collar Blues

Took Mirabelle in to the vet’s yesterday to have her neutered (on Topiary’s advice). It was just terrible, as she hated being in the basket and kept miaowing. And then we had to wait in the waiting room next to a v hostile man with a huge sweating pitbull. (He told me that the dog ate cats. Very tactful of him.)
Anyhoo, now Mirabelle has a plastic collar on to stop her biting the stitches. She really hates it. She spends a lot of time walking backwards and/or trying to jump up the bookcases and dislodging all my magazines and books. It looks so horrid that I’ve been and bought some lace and ribbons and glitter to make it prettier.
I was talking about this to Rache who isn’t very sympathetic. Her awful cat (Oskar) started limping a while ago so she had to take him in to have a plaster-cast. An hour after getting home he had bitten it off. So she had to take him back, and get another one. They told her to keep him in a confined space, so she put him in the downstairs loo, and an hour after putting him in there she opened the door and found he’s bitten it off AGAIN. So then she had to keep him in a cage thingy they lent her. And he kept peeing through the bars at her. So I suppose I’m lucky with Mirabelle, who is just ceaselessly (night and day) stumbling around in her collar, knocking things over.
Every time I pass the stairs now I look so see if there’s a man sitting underneath but of course there never is, so I must have misheard what the Japanese student said.


The Topiary Cow said...

Topiary very sorry about the man with the pit bull. Some folks just shouldn't be allowed out alone (and Cow isn't referring to the dog!)

Topiary very glad to hear that all went well at the vet and Scones will not be trying to hide a litter of kittens as well as Mirabelle!

Cow had a kitten who once broke his leg and had to be in a cast. Yes, they don't like it but it will all be better soon and then they will be happy, healthy and be back to their usual activities (sleeping, eating, finding mice and hiding them behind the cushions for scones).

Topiary very proud of scones for getting everything taken care of!


scones with jam and cream said...

Dear Topiary, it is such a relief that that collar is off! The person who invented it should be very seriously punished indeed, perhaps by having to live in a giant plastic hamster-ball for a couple of days. But Mirabelle is fine now, and seems to have got over the horror. Love from scones xxx