Monday, 25 August 2008


I've been very gloomy lately, and you know how that just sort of stops you writing. First, I had to work incredibly hard to get all my work done before the holiday - and then I got flu. And the whole staycation idea was horrible. It was definitely NOT the same as being on holiday, living in my flat, with the rain pouring down outside, and a few guest soaps sprinkled around the place. I got sick of Indian food after the second day, too.
The only strange thing that happened, last Sunday, was that Mirabelle the kitten escaped out of the front door, and i was in a real panic to find her before the landlord did, and she raced down to the hall and found her curled up on a dirty sleeping-bag someone had left behind the stairs. I met the two Japanese girls as I was carrying her back up, and they went on and on about how sweet she was, and said they'd love to look after her for me.
So when, yesterday, Rache and I went to see Mamma Mia, and decided that we didn't care if we had no money, we were going to max out our credit cards and go off to Greece AT ONCE if it killed us - I had someone who'd look after Mirabelle. So we are off tomorrow, early, on a cheapo flight, and we won't be back for a week.
When i do come back I'll try to be a much better blogger, and write every day, and be better in other ways, too - work harder, and be much thinner etc etc.


The Topiary Cow said...

Have a truly wonderful time!

Love from the Cow....


scones with jam and cream said...

Dear Topiary, how kind you are! Love scones xx