Thursday, 27 November 2008

Strange Religious Episode

Ho well, haven’t posted for ages as usual. I’m always promising myself to be a much better blogger, but I get swept up in things, and it just doesn’t happen. It is like dieting. I always want to be much thinner, and intend to do something about it, and then time slips by and I realize I’ve just GOT FATTER. I hadn’t weighed myself for weeks, and a few days ago I noticed my favourite trousers were really hurting round the waist, and had actually given me a sore, where the buckle goes, and so I got on the scales and was just horrified. How could I have put on so much without eating any more than normal? Also, it’s been cold recently, and I thought that made you lose weight.
Anyhoo, work is more stressful, as quite a few people have left, and we have to do their stuff, as well as ours. I asked Jasmine about Michael, and she said that she’d heard his company was really struggling, and he’d been spending a lot of time in the US recently trying to get refinanced or something.
Last weekend I went home, as Jacob was being confirmed, and they wanted me to go to the service. I can’t think why this was happening, as he’s never struck me as religious at all. Also, all the other confirmation candidates were frail little girls in sticky-out frocks, and it was strange seeing this large, shambling teen in a badly-ironed shirt in the middle of it all, with an uneasy smile flickering across his face. Ever since the poisoning incident I’ve been so suspicious of his motives. It’s wrong.

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