Thursday 29 May 2008

Chocolate Tranquillizer

I’m feeling a bit calmer now, largely because I bought a large slice of chocolate fudge cake and a pot of fromage frais to act as a sort of tranquilliser.
I got hold of J today and asked her what she thought she was doing, giving Glenn my address, which I had SPECIFICALLY withheld from him. (Despite him asking every time I’ve seen him.) She said she didn’t give it to him: he must have found it in her Filofax. And she said she was pretty angry herself to come back and find her flat stinky from another of his fish stews and then not even HAVE the fish stew to eat because he’d left it outside my door. (So that was what it was: Glenn’s signature dish. All I can say is that it looked like snot. Hate to think what his non-signature dishes are like.)
She said not to worry, she’ll tick him off and tell him never to bother me again. It’s just (she thinks) that he was so disappointed when the picnic was cancelled.
She says there’s another thing Michael is going to be at soon, did I want to go, as a sort of consolation prize for Glenn calling round? I said yes, of course, though the rate I’m going I soon won’t be able to fit into ANY of my clothes.


The Topiary Cow said...

Glad to hear about the second chance with Michael.

(Cow wishing strong locks and Topiary disguises scone's way)


Anonymous said...

Why don't you just sleep with both men and then eat so much cake that you explode out of your trousers.

scones with jam and cream said...

Dear Topiary, I'm hoping something will come of a second meeting with Michael. I can't decide whether to be frosty and mysterious (which men apparently like, not that i have ever been either) or friendly and a bit too eager-to-please (my normal self). He wasn't THAT impressed with me last time. Sigh.Love scones x
Dear Anonymous, if you think this blog is so very silly and annoying, why do you keep reading and poking fun at it? Of course I won't explode out of my trousers! (Or at least I hope I won't.) And I have NO intention of EVER sleeping with Glenn.