Tuesday, 3 June 2008


It is very difficult sticking to my diet at the moment, because a new person has arrived in the office - Jo. She's here to cover for P, who is on maternity leave. Jo is a very lovely, friendly woman, with a habit of saying 'It must be chocolate time!' at about 11 a.m. (and at 3.30 p.m.), pulling out a floral cake-tin, and handing round huge wedges of sticky, gooey chocolate fudge brownies that she has made herself.
Jo should be HUGE, but she isn't - just sort of comfortably upholstered, with a very fresh, pink skin, and that glossy hair that people who over-indulge tend to get. (The benefits of being a little overweight are great hair, fewer lines, and attractive tits. I'm not quite sure if this really makes up for a muffin-top stomach and being unable to fit into your jeans or skirts.)
Still, at least all her home-baking has stopped me feeling sick, the way I did after Glenn's breakfast. Jo says she'll bring in her special recipe macaroons tomorrow.
So that's two things to look forward to: I'm seeing Michael again tonight.


The Topiary Cow said...

(Cow hoping Michael thinks scones is the cat's pyjamas)

This office chocolate-pusher sounds like she is looking for a permanent job for when P returns. Will her evil strategy gain her a position or just have all the positions gaining pounds?

(Cow wanting brownies)


scones with jam and cream said...

Dear Topiary, well, if she keeps up like this no one is going to be able to bear letting her go. Really, i can't tell you how lovely her home-cooked stuff is. People have even started coming in from other departments around 'chocolate time' and hovering about hopefully. Love scones x

The Topiary Cow said...

Haha what a strategy! Bring enough not only for your department but surrounding departments!

That way, just in case you can't hire her, the neighboring department surely will!

(Cow chuckling softly as she ventures out to search for soft homemade brownies, preferably with walnuts and frosting)


Anonymous said...

Your posts always have pictures of such lovely food on them!

Yes, the office muffin fiend is hard to avoid sometimes, especially if (like me) you are on a serious diet/weight loss campaign.

I wish you well with your resolve!

scones with jam and cream said...

Dear goodbyetoallfat, the trouble is, the 'office muffin-fiend' is almost completely irresistible because 1) office work is so dull, and eating is a lovely distraction, as well as a treat 2) if you always say No you stop being one of the in-crowd 3) It would just about be worth it saying No if you were dazzlingly thin, but if you look like me then it is just ridiculous (even hypocritical) saying No. Love scones x
Dear Topiary, yes she has hit on a brilliant way of making herself unsackable - and what is so clever about it is NO ONE ELSE CAN COPY THE STRATEGY. As there is only room for one cake-baking fiend in any one office. Hats off to her, I say!Love scones x

The Topiary Cow said...

"2) if you always say No you stop being one of the in-crowd"

Very perceptive.

And true, alas. It's a shame. There is so much pressure to eat.


scones with jam and cream said...

Dear Topiary, yes, eating isn't just about eating, that's the problem - it's about having fun, and being friendly, and giving people presents - along with more negative stuff like trying to get rid of gloom. I wish it wasn't so complicated. Love scones x